Review Policy

Almost all of the books that are reviewed on here are purchased with my own money, or with vouchers given to me by friends and family. The rare exceptions can normally be either advanced copies or books loaned to me by friends and the local library.

Every one of us has a genre that we tend to stick to, and what we don't normally enjoy but will read if the story/plot sounds intriguing enough. Below is a short list of what I do love, most titles belonging to those titles are almost certain to be found on Goodreads or on this blog itself.

What I read:

-Young Adult.
-Urban Fiction - Mainly Paranormal, Fantasy and Sci-Fi.
-New Adult - At my discretion.
-Historical - Again, depending on the year and location.
Format of books:

With a wide variety of electronic devices, I am able and happy to accept the following file types; .epub, .mobi, and .pdf. If there are none of these available, then I would be thrilled to accept physical copies, but for any enquiries please contact me at

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