Wednesday, 1 April 2015

Recent News and Coming Soons

Okay so I've been a little AWOL but I have my reasons.

March is a mad month for me as it's my mother's birthday, my godsisters and then my own so I have down time to spend with my family which is good but add the pressures of university and it's pretty intense. However I think May might be the same as I have a lot of assignments due in the same time AND I'll be going on a writing holiday with some friends off of my course. Therefore I'll let you guys know now that May I might be posting reviews that are written in advance so there might be no fresh unless you follow my Goodreads account (Probably the website that all my first impressions are posted - especially no filtered ones).

But as you might note, my title says coming soon and you might wonder what on earth could this be...

Well I have a few new arcs/books that will be released sometime this year or have been and the top five are:

  1. Alice in Zombieland series (so far) by Gena Showwalter
  2. The Stars Never Rise by Rachel Vincent Publish July 18th UK
  3. Nowhere But Here by Katie McGarry Publishing June 4th UK
  4. Exquisite Captive by Heather Demetrios
  5. Sweep Series by Cate Tiernan

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