Friday 6 March 2015

Volition by Lily Paradis

Volition by Lily Paradis

Can we just take a moment to look at how beautiful the cover is?
My first impression with the novel was how amazing the author was to include not just a quote by Courtney Love ("I found my inner bitch and ran with her") but the fact that in her foreword she considers the book a horcrux (which to people who haven't had the time to grace their lives with Harry Potter is like a piece of your soul). From there I was in love. 

Tate the protagonist is messed up. She's got the big chip on the shoulder syndrome going on and instead of the book being all eugh, it was really good. I was thoroughly entertained and hooked throughout the novel, even with the whole Rockefeller parts, yes they were a bit ott but were really good.

I can't give this book enough praise. I am so happy I read it.

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