Sunday 8 February 2015

Updates - January and February

Hi guys,

Apologies about the lack of updates my life has been hectic recently. Firstly I do have a lot of reviews to post but those might have to wait as Blogger hasn't been working on my phone and Toshiba laptop. I am however saving up for a new laptop which will help with the slowness of this one (currently writing on the Toshiba). Secondly my place of work has been understaffed meaning I've had to work long hours that take up every moment of my spare time that I could be reviewing. University isn't helping as well due to the workload but that's something I've shifted my focus on more lately if I had to choose between this and that. But that does not mean I'll be neglecting this, I'm just making sure I can get my work done earlier, be more focused and then get a new laptop all whilst stockpiling reviews that will go up on here asap.



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